WriteRoom latest version (and old versions too)

WriteRoom’s code is old and updates are no longer accepted by the Mac App Store. At some point in the future (maybe distant) I hope to release a new version of WriteRoom. Until then I’ll post small bug fixes here.

I’ve removed license restrictions from this download, so you should be able to use it even if you only purchased the Mac App Store version:

Feb 2023 WriteRoom 3.2.2 (1.6 MB)

  • Notarized download
  • Fixed missing newline in Session recording file
  • Fixed invalid “session character count” in sessions file
  • Fixed sessions not recorded when quitting WriteRoom before closing individual documents

WriteRoom 3.2.1 (1.5 MB)

  • Fixed crash when printing on macOS 10.12

WriteRoom 2.0

WriteRoom 2 requires a license key, but I don’t have the code to generate those keys anymore. If you would like to run WriteRoom 2 on an older computer please use this key donated by (thanks!) Dimitrij Mlekuz.


Dimitrij Mlekuz

License Key:


WriteRoom 1.0 (Mac OS X 10.4)


Working well here – thanks !

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