TaskPaper for iOS

Nothing in particular.

I switched to iCloud, as I wanted to minimize how many utilities I run on my Mac, and I had a few conflicted copy issues with Dropbox.

just use the Editorial app, it’s insanely good and 100% covers my TaskPaper needs. It’s a godsend.

I am looking into moving away from dropbox so 1writer seems very interesting.
Is there syntax highlighting for task paper?
I it ok for you to share your setup. (I’m unfortunately not very good at scripting…)

There is no TaskPaper syntax highlighting in 1Writer.

I’m ahoy to share any of the scripts that I have written. If you see an interesting one in the screenshot above, tell me the name and I will post the code here.

That is very kind of you.
If it’s not too much trouble can you please post:
List @Today, +Task, Prepend dashes, Select current line and Move Up?

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var content,

content = editor.getText();
lines = content.split('\n');
linesLength = lines.length;
lengths = 0;
headings = Array();
ranges = Array();

for(i = 0; i < linesLength; i++) {
    if(lines[i].match(/@today+\s?.*/)) {
    lengths += lines[i].length + 1; // +1 because the line breaks count;

if (headings.length > 0) {
    ui.list('Jump to Section', headings, false, function(a,b) {
        if (b === undefined) {
        } else {
} else {
    ui.hudError("There's nothing tagged");


editor.replaceTextInRange(0, 0, '\n');
editor.replaceTextInRange(0, 0, '\t- ');

Prepend dashes:

const text = editor.getSelectedText();
var lines = text.split("\n");
lines = lines.map(function(l) { 
    return '	- '+l;

Thank you Jim. very kind.
Now I’ll see if this works for me. :slight_smile:

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Select current line:

// based on shirose_jp scripts

var line_range = editor.getSelectedLineRange();

var eol = line_range[0] + line_range[1];
if ( editor.getTextInRange( eol - 1, 1 ) === '\n' ) {
  eol = eol - 1;

editor.setSelectedRange( line_range[0], eol - line_range[0] );

Move Up:

range = editor.getSelectedLineRange();
line = editor.getTextInRange(range[0], range[1]);

if (range[0] > 0) {
	editor.replaceTextInRange(range[0] - 1, range[1], "");
	range = editor.getSelectedLineRange();
	editor.replaceTextInRange(range[0], 0, line + "\n");
	editor.setSelectedRange(range[0], range[0]);

Hey there, Just wondering if there’s been an updates with iOS solutions for TaskPaper. Are you still using Editorial to sync with macOS TaskPaper? I keep thinking that Taskmator might still be a solution, though I’m concerned about what you said about losing data while using it…

Thanks again…

I’ve moved to 1Writer, which works well for me using iCloud syncing.

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Got it. I ask because you had suggested Editorial before… Also, still no joy on Taskmator…? On the surface, it looks like such a easy fit.

For a while, Editorial was not updated (it didn’t take advantage of larger iPhone screen resolutions and it did not flow around the notch at the top of the iPhone screen). It was updated to fix these issues, so I would still recommend it if you prefer Dropbox over iCloud for syncing.

I had some unpleasant responses to questions—that started my dissatisfaction with Taskmator. The sync issue (and data loss) was the last straw for me, so I moved on. This was years ago, and I have not looked back. If you want to try it, I’d recommend backing up your TaskPaper data regularly, and I would keep a watchful eye on Taskmator’s synchronizations.

1Writer is updated regularly. The developer is helpful. iCloud syncing is pain-free. And I can get the TaskPaper functionality I need using scripts. Although I would prefer to see an iOS version of TaskPaper from Jesse, 1Writer has kept me happy.


For some reason I cannot get 1writer to open Taskpaper files. They are greyed out. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!

How are the files named?

If they have a .taskpaper extension, try changing that to .txt.

An example:




(TaskPaper can open files with a .txt extension)

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Just switched to 1Writer on iPad. I have used Taskmator on and off, i had always wanted it to succeed but never got in the swing with it. I was always tapping on the wrong things. Taskmator lost my file contents on DropBox. Luckily i have version history on Dropbox.

1write is just plain text. Very unfulfilling. I do most of my work on laptop, but lately using iPad more. It almost is bad enough to make me switch to a different tool, use tasks in Obsidian or something. Sigh.

I will look into some of the scripts above but seems like they can only take you so far.