Quick entry on iOS (Apple shortcuts)

Hi there, having just setup quick entry on my Mac thanks to the great help from the community here, I’m wondering what people have done for quick entry on iOS devices (with or without Apple shortcuts).

I had a look at the options offered by the iOS shortcuts app and see that it allows for text to be both pretended and appended to a file, but wondering how to have text added to a specific project (Inbox).

Also thinking if Taskmator has a built-in widget or iOS shortcut for this.

Hi @taskSloth

I use a shortcut in the iOS app to prepend entered text into my TaskPaper document.

I don’t know of a way to directly enter the task into a project. Sorry!

I just use the shortcut to capture the task. Then I move the task later.

Notes of import:

I have renamed my TaskPaper files to use .txt extensions.

Also, the Shortcuts app will only write to files in its folder on iCloud.

So I store my files there, and open them in the Mac version of TaskPaper, or in 1Writer in iOS. It works.

I hope that helps!

Thanks @Jim - I suspected that this would be the easiest option, albeit not ideal. As I mentioned in my 1st post I wonder if an app such as Taskmator would provide this out of the box - although there doesn’t seem to be too much documentation for the app

Here my collection for shortcuts :v:

How do you get this? could you explain please?

Hi @amelchi — sure, here is a brief explanation:

I have renamed my task paper files to use a .txt extension.

Example: Focus.taskpaper became Focus.txt

I then put this file in the Shortcuts folder on iCloud. This is the path on my system:

/Users/jim/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~is~workflow~my~workflows/Documents/Focus.txt

Here is a screenshot of the shortcut from the Shortcuts app on iOS:

I hope that helps!

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thanks a lot!
AFAIK you are with 1writer on iOs…no more Editorial
1writer action are capable of mimic in a way Fantastical basic behaviour?


Correct—I moved from Editorial, as it rarely sees updates and it does not work with iCloud. If you like Dropbox for syncing your documents, then Editorial works well with TaskPaper files.

1Writer supports custom actions that you write in JavaScript.

So, if you can write JavaScripts that mimic Fantastical’s behavior, then the answer is yes. It really depends on which features are desired, and your skill in JavaScript coding.

thanks first of all…
One thing that I don’t understand

why Fantastical?
my coding skills are zero (almost)

Because you wrote:

funny error form my side!
I meant TaskPaper basic behaviour…

Ahh. All good.

Well, a lot of TaskPaper’s functionality is based on being a great text editor.

1Writer is a great text editor. So, you will have a great editor right from the start.

I have coded my most used functions in 1Writer. Is it perfect? No. But it does what I need it to do.

If you give it a try, and need help, ask here, and I will try, permitting time.

And Jesse and ComplexPoint are experts in JavaScript, so I suspect they will likely answer those types of questions, if you ask nicely.

Are your Java script available in 1Writer site?

They are not, as I feel that they are a bit limited for general interest.

I did post a bit about them here.

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