Multiple Clicks of Cmd + 0

I’m loving Bike. Thanks for your work on it!

I’m coming from using the outline view in Word and one nice thing you can do is keep pressing Ctrl + “+” to expand progressively the levels of the current heading you’re on. However, in Bike, I can’t find a way to do that. Let’s say my top heading is “To Do” and it contains “Projects” as the second level, under projects are “To-Dos” as a third level and under that is “Notes” as the forth level. Ideally, I’d just put my cursor on the To Do heading and hit Cmd + 0 twice to expand out to the individual to-do level but not show notes. Similarly, I’d love if pressing Cmd+0 or some other shortcut would just collapse progressively the levels in the heading your cursor is on. Basically, it would be amazing to have the Cmd + Shift + 0 and Cmd + Shift + 9 functionality but isolated to just the content under the heading your cursor is on.

Another tiny one. What about the ability to Cmd + Click the focus button to open that heading in a new tab? And, Cmd + Shift + Click to open the heading in a new window.

One last small suggestion. I’d love a semi-transparent window you could easily call with all of the shortcuts listed in one place. It would be super helpful to bring that up occasionally as I get used to all the shortcuts.

I think this is the current behaviour:

There was some discussion on this topic here: Simplify Bike's expand/collapse commands and here Collapse by level - UI glitches?, but it seems there was never a conclusion there.

I don’t think there’s a way to do what you want out of the box, but, if you’re focused in on a part of the outline and hit Cmd+Shift+0/9, you can expand/collapse children by level just that part of the outline. The focused row needs to be expanded at least one level for that to work, though.

Maybe it’s time we reopen this discussion for Bike2 :slight_smile:

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Yes, you’ve got me thinking about it this morning.

I think I will still try what I mentioned in previous thread:

  1. Expand/Collapse Row
  2. Expand/Collapse Row by Level

I like that these commands are direct and reversible. Let’s try them and see how it goes.

Also these things should be easier to customize in Bike 2 with extensions. I think that what I would ideally like is the above commands in the built in menu, but then the variants all implemented as “Commands” that will show up in a command pallet. And also a keybinding system where you can map commands to your preferred keybindings.

That’s not all likely to be available in Bike 2 right off, but I expect Bike 2 will get there eventually.

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