Anyone know what Things did just now?

From their updated app (Mac) release notes added today 2023-02-06T08:00:00Z

• Added Quick Entry with Autofill support for the Bike outliner app.

I don’t see how or what to do with this? I use both apps.

I think in Things > Settings > Quick Entry you need to:

  1. Enable Quick Entry shortcut
  2. Enable Quick Entry with autofill
  3. Install Things helper app

Once you’ve done those things then when you use things Quick Entry shortcut and Bike is in foreground a link to Bike’s selected entry will be added to Things quick entry text.



Yes. I had to install the Things helper and now as you say it will add Bike info to my Things entry.

Thank you!


For OmniFocus users looking for similar functionality,
@complexpoint created this Keyboard Maestro macro to create an OmniFocus task with a backlink to a Bike Row LInk.

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I have a question with the Quick Entry method. As it stands, Things populates the following fields when invoked in Bike:
To-do name (row text)
Notes (row text + link to row)

How customisable is this?
It would be great to have Bike be able to send information to Things in the same way Craft does. Craft has its own “Send to” option that populates the fields in a similar manner, but it is able to recognise to-do items in Craft and add them as sub-tasks to Things, in addition to the notes and backlink to the Craft entry.

I’ve tried coming up with an Apple Shortcut for this, but I run into issues when filtering the children of the selected row to include only task list row types.

and a similar functionality can be imagined for Apple Reminders?

I think I’ve managed to come up with an Apple Shortcut for this using the new query function.
The shortcut will take the currently selected row and populate the fields in a Things Quick entry window, as well as add a Bike backlink to the row. Notes and checklists will only be added into Quick entry if they are notes and task row types.
The only thing I can’t get to work is external links. Those are just pasted as plain text.

I make no claims about this, and I have not tested this out extensively.

Here are a few screenshots:

And the shortcut:
Bike-Add to-do to Things with notes and (12.8 KB)

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Great! Thanks for testing it out. Glad it was of use.

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I reiterate my, perhaps dummy, question…
and a similar functionality can be imagined for Apple Reminders?..

Sorry, haven’t tried it. I don’t really use Reminders and I’m not familiar with the Shortcuts actions available with that app.

thanks, but
" The operation couldn’t be completed. (Parsing.ParsingError error 0.) "

but of course if some sort of Bike iOS companion would exist…

Seems to work with Reminders, too.
I think you’re getting the parsing error because you’re selecting text in bike. Just place the cursor on the line with the main to-do.

Bike: Add to-do to (12.6 KB)

i’ll check ASAP!