Workaround for searching across multiple Bike documents

I understand that workspaces or a directory sidebar is coming in v2, yet are some good practices and/or methods to search across many Bike documents? I’m intending to use Bike for studies and research.

I believe regexing a HTML file doesn’t work for some technical reason(s) so how can I search within several Bike files at once? My last option could be finding an app/script that can reliably search through HTML but that’s a substantial amount of friction that complicates workflows rather than streamlining.

Thanks in advance!

It’s confusing (because this is what I’m working on now)… but actually I expect these things to come after version 2. Generally (at this particular moment)

  • version 2: Rewrite + Filter + Stylesheets.
  • version after 2: Workspaces, sharing, sync
  • version after that: iOS

To confuse things I’ve spent the last few months researching how I’ll implement workspaces, sharing, and sync. Lots of work happening, unfortunately not much work finishing or being released at moment.

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I don’t have anything in particular, but they are plain text html files. So lots of tools can work, though non (that I know of) integrate too closely with Bike.

I guess if you were asking me the most strait forward approaches they might be:

  1. Use Find + Spotlight to search on a folder containing your Bike files
  2. Use a plain text editor such as VS Code that can open a directory of files and then search there. (issue is then need to open file in Bike which might require a few clicks).

You might also look at Hookmark. It’s more complex, but I think provides ways to search (and I know link) separate files together into a larger web.