What am I missing?

Both are checked yet I only see the date when I archive.

It might be that the archived task wasn’t associated with a project. Here’s an example:

Project 1:
	- task 1
	- task 2
	- task 3 @done(2024-08-11)
- task 0 @done

When I archive done with “Add Project” setting checked this is result:

Project 1:
	- task 1
	- task 2
	- task 3 @done(2024-08-11) @project(Project 1)
	- task 0 @done

Note that task 3 has associated project tag, but that task 0 doesn’t have associated project tag, because it was not associated with project (indented under) when it was archived.

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Thank you. That was exactly it. I didn’t realize not indenting my tasks meant they weren’t in the project.

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