Version number difference between direct and Mac App Store versions?

Hi Jesse,

I noticed that the direct download version is currently at 3.7.6 and the Mac App Store version is at 3.7.5.

Is there a reason for this?

And any news about when 3.7.7 will be released?



It’s a due to a major headache that I’m currently ignoring.

For the last number of months TaskPaper 3.7.6 on the Mac App Store has been stuck in “Processing for App Store” state. This is the last step of the release process. It’s automated on Apple’s end, normally lasts a few minutes I think. But somehow somethings up with this release, and the process is jammed. I went through one round of trying to find fix with apple support, but eventually gave up as it was taking a lot of time and distracting me from WriteRoom 4 work.

I’ll get to it sometime, but don’t want to go down that road just yet. I’m happy to switch anyone over to a direct license who has a App Store license. 3.7.7 is also held back by this… I’m avoiding new releases as I don’t want the two versions to diverge to much. And so far there isn’t a ton to release anyway since my time is all on WriteRoom at the moment.

Sorry to hear that there is a headache. I was just wanting “Show Sidebar and Expand Completely” to be released.

I’ve switched over to the preview release for the moment. The only issue I am experiencing with the direct license version is that when I update my TaskPaper document on iOS and Dropbox syncs, the last opened document is forgotten when I start TaskPaper.

Hopefully, when the MAS version gets up to date, I’ll switch back without any issues.

This is yet another reason why I refuse to use the app store. It was a good idea in theory but in practice it gives Apple too much control over my individual purchase decisions. And, it can give developers headaches too apparently. iTunes too suffers from too much Apple control. I still play music with iTunes but when I do I am always having to respond to denying it from calling home (I use Little Snitch).

I appreciate developers like Jessie who still sell directly to customers (and who listen to customers) and I am mystified and saddened by developers who still refuse to do this. Although I do understand that, with Apples strict rules and complete control over what you may and may not sell over the app store, you are forced to keep two versions developed and updated. That makes my head hurt just thinking about it.