Love this App!! Question … if I understand correctly:
The App as downloaded from the App Store supports saving to ICloud directly
The App as downloaded directly from supports launching Mac Apps from within a Task Paper doc.
—> Soooo are there any issues with using BOTH versions of TaskPaper alternately? (Other than possible double-cost of course).
I am thinking that I Change/Edit using ICloud, but for procedures that I have written, use the HogBaySW “App Launchable” version.
You should be able to use both, but I’m pretty sure that you can now use both versions to edit documents in iCloud. The limitation was from when iCloud first started… but now it supports any document based app in or out of the App Store I think.
Looping back, I bought both versions, and they work exactly as you stated above. The ability to “include clickable-links using drag/drop to launch Apps” is fantastic!! And yes, that feature only works on the App downloaded from Not on the Apple-store version.