Theoretical max depth

or artificially imposed. is there one for depth of nested level?

to simplify my question, its as if i asked what’s the most number of indents supported where each line is one indent more than the previous

In theory it might be JavaScripts max integer … 9007199254740991. In practice I haven’t tested that and I expect it likely wouldn’t work. But also in practice the indent level can be much larger than anything that’s likely sensible :wink:

Note, that once you indent to near the right side of the window the item will visually stop indenting, though logically it will continue to be indented. To see those extra levels of indent just expand window with… you can see this easily by creating a few levels of indent and then resize the window to be very thin.


As a footnote to Jesse’s point that depth is not a constraining factor, it’s probably worth remembering that nested structures like outlines have width as well as depth.

If we went down to ‘only’ twenty levels, and the number of child items for each parent item was just two, we would already have a file with more than a million nodes.

I did experiment with creating an outline (by script) than went down to the 10000th level, in an ancestral chain in which each parent had only one child, and the text of each node was simply the level number.

No problem with the script – it did work – but by the time you get to a line preceded by 9999 indenting tabs you are producing a file in which the tab count alone is approaching 50 million, and the file size was indeed 50 Mb.

So, as Jesse says, outline depth will never be the constraint that you need to worry about : -)


okay thanks for the -incredibly- awesome and detailed responses! I was asking because I often have large nests, and use the zoom in / focus feature so that the editor like hides everything above it and makes that line the parent/root if that makes sense.

i can’t imagine going anywhere near 1000 so i think I’m set. thanks!!

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