Theme: Pixelgrazer-Plus theme inspired by Pixelgrazer theme for TaskPaper 2

This theme inspired by Pixelgrazer theme for TaskPaper 2 Pixelgrazer TaskPaper Theme · GitHub



Paste into your theme.less file (File > Open Application Folder)

// Base -----------------------------------
@base-font-size: 16;
@user-font-size: $USER_FONT_SIZE - 3;
@ui-scale: @user-font-size / @base-font-size;
@font-family: "Helvetica";
@font-family-header: "Helvetica Neue";
@line-height-multiple: 1;
@syntax-hue: 220;

// Monochrome -----------------------------------
@mono-1: hsl(30, 17%, 88%); // default text
@mono-2: hsl(205, 38.4%, 58.6%);

// Tags Colors -----------------------------------
@tag-color: hsl(27, 60%, 50%);
@high-color: hsl(14, 78%, 51%); 
@next-color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%);
@today-color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%);
@waiting-color: hsl(30, 1%, 57%);

// Prject Colors
@project-color: hsl(78, 44%, 57%);
@subproject-color: hsl(14, 78%, 51%); 

// Base colors -----------------------------------
@text-color: @mono-1;
@bg-color: hsl(0, 0%, 25%);
@link-color: @mono-2;

// UI Colors -----------------------------------
@tint-color: hsl(14, 78%, 51%);
@selection-color: hsl(223, 17%, 42%);
@invisibles-color: @project-color;
@guide-color: fade(@lead-color, 10%);
@message-color: mix(@text-color, @bg-color, 50%);;
@caret-color: hsl(78, 44%, 57%);
@collapsed-color: @project-color;
@lead-color: hsl(35, 99%, 73%);

editor {
color: @text-color;
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-family: @font-family;
background-color: @bg-color;
line-height-multiple: @line-height-multiple;
item-indent: 20px * @ui-scale;
caret-width: 2px;
caret-color: @caret-color;
handle-color: @tint-color;
drop-indicator-color: @tint-color;
invisibles-color: @invisibles-color;
selection-background-color: @selection-color;
guide-line-color: @guide-color;
message-color: @message-color;

item[collapsed] {
  handle-color: @collapsed-color;


item[data-type="project"] {
font-family: @font-family-header;    
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
font-size: @user-font-size + 6;
color: @project-color;

item[depth=2][data-type="project"] {
font-size: @user-font-size + 4;    

item[depth=3][data-type="project"] {
font-size: @user-font-size + 3;    

item[depth=4][data-type="project"] {
font-size: @user-font-size + 2;    

item[data-type="task"] {    

item[data-type="note"] {
color: @mono-2;
font-style: normal;

// Tag styles -----------------------------------

item[data-today] {
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
color: @today-color;    
item[data-prio] {
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
color: @high-color;    
item[data-next] {
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
color: @next-color;    
item[data-waiting] {
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
color: @waiting-color;

item[data-search] {
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;    
> run[tag] {        
item[data-done] {
> run[content],
> run[display] {
    text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleSingle;
    text-strikethrough-color: fade(@text-color, 20%);
    color: fade(@text-color, 20%);
run[link] {
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: underline;
color: @link-color;

run[lead] {
color: @lead-color;
run[link^="filter"] {
color: @text-color;

run[link^="button"] {
  text-decoration: none;

run[tag] {
font-size: @user-font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
color: @tag-color;

or clone from github - GitHub - tamvodopad/TaskPaper-Pixelgrazer-Plus: A theme for TaskPaper 3.5 inspired on @jpinnix TaskPaper2 theme and copy theme.less to your directory


Looks great. Remember that you’ll have to update it for 3.2 (just the one occurrence of run[display] will become run[content].)

Thank you! Of course, I will update this theme.

New features:

  1. Theme updated for TaskPaper 3.2
  2. Changed font-size for subprojects

Theme updated for Theme updated for TaskPaper 3.5



Create new file Pixelgrazer.less (Window > StyleSheet > Open StyleSheet Folder) and paste:

// Base -----------------------------------
@user-font-size: 13;
@base-font-size: 16;
@ui-scale: @user-font-size / @base-font-size;
@font-family: "Helvetica";
@font-family-header: "Helvetica Neue";
@line-height-multiple: 1;
@syntax-hue: 220;

// Monochrome -----------------------------------
@mono-1: hsl(30, 17%, 88%); // default text
@mono-2: hsl(205, 38.4%, 58.6%);

// Tags Colors -----------------------------------
@tag-color: hsl(27, 60%, 50%);
@high-color: hsl(14, 78%, 51%); 
@next-color: hsl(187, 47%, 55%);
@today-color: hsl(355, 65%, 65%);
@waiting-color: hsl(30, 1%, 57%);

// Prject Colors
@project-color: hsl(78, 44%, 57%);
@subproject-color: hsl(14, 78%, 51%); 

// Base colors -----------------------------------
@text-color: @mono-1;
@bg-color: hsl(0, 0%, 25%);
@link-color: @mono-2;

// UI Colors -----------------------------------
@tint-color: hsl(14, 78%, 51%);
@selection-color: hsl(223, 17%, 42%);
@invisibles-color: @project-color;
@guide-color: fade(@lead-color, 10%);
@message-color: mix(@text-color, @bg-color, 50%);;
@caret-color: hsl(78, 44%, 57%);
@collapsed-color: @project-color;
@lead-color: hsl(35, 99%, 73%);

editor {
    color: @text-color;
    font-size: @user-font-size;
    font-family: @font-family;
    background-color: @bg-color;
    line-height-multiple: @line-height-multiple;
    item-indent: 20px * @ui-scale;
    caret-width: 2px;
    caret-color: @caret-color;
    handle-color: @tint-color;
    drop-indicator-color: @tint-color;
    invisibles-color: @invisibles-color;
    selection-background-color: @selection-color;
    guide-line-color: @guide-color;
    message-color: @message-color;
    guide-line-width: 2;

item[collapsed] {
  handle-color: @collapsed-color;


item[data-type="project"] {
    font-family: @font-family-header;    
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-size: @user-font-size + 6;
    color: @project-color;

item[depth=2][data-type="project"] {
    font-size: @user-font-size + 4;    

item[depth=3][data-type="project"] {
    font-size: @user-font-size + 3;    

item[depth=4][data-type="project"] {
    font-size: @user-font-size + 2;    

item[data-type="task"] {    
    font-size: @user-font-size;
item[data-type="note"] {
    color: @mono-2;
    font-style: normal;

// Tag styles -----------------------------------

item[data-today] {
    font-size: @user-font-size;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: @today-color;    
item[data-prio] {
    font-size: @user-font-size;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: @high-color;    
item[data-next] {
    font-size: @user-font-size;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: @next-color;    
item[data-waiting] {
    font-size: @user-font-size;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: @waiting-color;
item[data-search] {
    font-size: @user-font-size;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: @mono-1;
    > run[tag] {        
        color: @mono-1;

item[data-done] {
    > run[content],
    > run[display] {
        text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleSingle;
        text-strikethrough-color: fade(@text-color, 20%);
        color: fade(@text-color, 20%);
run[link] {
    cursor: pointer;
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: @link-color;

run[lead] {
    color: @lead-color;
run[link^="filter"] {
    color: @text-color;

run[link^="button"] {
  text-decoration: none;

run[tag] {
    font-size: @user-font-size;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    color: @tag-color;

// Sidebar
searchbar {
    background-color: @selection-color;

Change TaskPaper StyleSheet by TaskPaper 3 menu: Window > StyleSheet > Pixelgrazer.less

Or clone from github - GitHub - tamvodopad/TaskPaper-Pixelgrazer-Plus: A theme for TaskPaper 3.5 inspired on @jpinnix TaskPaper2 theme and copy Pixelgrazer.less to your directory