Tasks with @due(...) will not export to Reminders

I’ve noticed that tasks with a @due(...) tag will not export. They stick at the list selection menu.

If I remove the tag, the export process can be completed as expected.

Is this the expected behavior of this feature?

I don’t think it is expected. Items with @due should export. In fact the due date should get translated to a reminder due date. For example I’ve just tested and exported this item to Reminders and it worked as expected:

- Hello world @due(2021-02-06)

Can you give me an exact example that reproduces the problematic behavior?

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Thanks for responding, Jesse.

I swore I had been able to do this before, so I tried it on my laptop (w/Big Sur). The iMac (w/Catalina) had issues while the laptop did not. So I guess there’s something funny going on with the iMac. The laptop’s TaskPaper worked as expected.

Thanks for the quick response.

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Hi, I had noticed a similar behaviour, then I checked my settings to make sure I had the checkbox ticked that is shown in the attachment. Turns out I didn’t. You may have the same on your iMac version of Taskpaper.

Hi, I have the same issue as blp. And when I checked the option suggest by TomReid, the app instantly crashes while trying to export the task to Reminders. Turning off the checkbox, and all is well again. But still no export.

I think I’ve figured it out. Currently TaskPaper requires that you have a default list set within Reminders.app, otherwise it will fail to export. I’ll soon fix so this isn’t necessary, but in meantime I think you can make it work by going to Reminders.app and:

  1. Choose menu Reminders > Preferences
  2. Select a list for the “Default List” setting

@smn If you get a chance please let me know if this explains/fixes the issue.

Hi Jesse, no, unfortunately it didn’t fix anything. Still the same problem. I already had a default list but I tried changing it to a different one. Same. Either nothing, or crash depending on checkbox mentioned by Tom. I hope you find a solution, it would be useful; but it’s not a deal breaker.

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Can you email me the crash report?