Taskpaper crashes on doing multiple backspaces on nested line

Here’s a document that crashes Taskpaper preview 271 when I try to delete a nested line by backspacing…

##### ##### #####:
		####### ########
			###### ### ########
				###### #### ## ####
				##### ## #####
					#### # ## ####
				(Delete this line by backspacing)
		######### ### ###########
			### ##### ##
				###### # ######## 
		###### ### ###### ## ########## ########

Here’s a gif demonstrating what happens:

The Light stylesheet was selected, and I’m running El Capitan.

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Thanks for the easily reproducible report! I’ll try to get if fixed soon.

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I just posted preview (273) that I think fixes this issue.

It fixes it for the sample document. Thanks!