I am asking the following as a curiosity more than a problem or a suggestion. I enjoy TaskPaper very much. As I have already mentioned in an earlier post, I use it to track project steps. Doing this involves tags, searches, and layouts. Simple and just right for what I need in TP.
Now, I am getting more involved in a book I am working on. To do this I am finding that there are three main documents I will want to create and to maintain; 1) a draft or a dumping place for expounding all ideas related to the project (the book), 2) a draft of the actual document, and, 3) a mind map or good outline representation of the work.
I have several apps already which will do most of this work. In TaskPaper, I like the way it can focus on a section or on an idea. But I don’t entirely trust TaskPaper for much more than what I am using it for. This is because, from time to time, I find a section that somehow got into a different place and so was lost and at the very least, misplaced. I am willing to give TaskPaper a pass on this as it is probably my deleting something out of an outline without paying full attention to what the outline collapses to after deleting it.
I want to ask about TaskPaper and Jessie’s other two writing apps, WriteRoom and Folding Text. I love the way TP can expand or hide text and can focus on just a section of text. I might assume that both WriteRoom and FoldingText do the exact same thing. I know Jessie has recently worked on an update to WriteRoom (or is he now?). I am just wondering what features that TaskPaper has would be improved on if I got WriteRoom and what features any would WR and FT have that TP does not have?
I am currently writing in Nisus and I also have a license for Scrivener. Mind Maps are in Curio (and Scapple if needs be). And of course, TaskPaper is how I keep track of my tasks.
The main thing, and the hardest thing that I have to achieve, is to collapse everything but the section that I am working on, and also be able to expand it all out again to see the whole picture. Right now this looks like several different programs. I was just wondering if WR could do more of this - or if it is pretty much similar to TP. Since I am already pretty familiar with TP then I am already aware of potential benefits and limitations in WR and FT. But then, I don’t know anything about WR and FT - which is why I am asking this here and now.