TaskPaper 3.9.2 (482)

  • Fixed text caret drawing glitches
  • Removed ability to change text caret width through stylesheet


  • Fixed text caret moving to next line when remove tags
  • Fixed handle and guide positions when theme uses paragraph-spacing-before


  • Fixed text caret drawing glitches
  • Removed ability to change text caret width through stylesheet

Yikes, looks like I need to actually release this preview from April. Anyway I’ve made a few more changes to fix text caret glitches. Try them out, hope that work, then I WILL release this version. I think.

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I’m on this new preview of Taskpaper on OS 14.7 and the default less is now displaying an incredibly small font.

@sepulchra Odd, I’m on macOS 14 and am not seeing this.

The “Default.less” file is copied from TaskPaper into your themes folder, but you can then modify it yourself if you want. Can you check to see if it has any modifications … by default it should be empty with just some comment lines.

@sepulchra It also might be that your preferences got messed up somehow. Can you fix by using menu item TaskPaper > View > Actual Size?

thank you. It was View > Actual Size!

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