TaskPaper 3.2 Preview (200)

Unless no big problems come up this will be the 3.2 release.


  • Header and footer printing options to print panel.
  • Track expanded/collapsed state in extended file attribute.
  • Edit > Copy Displayed (Option-Command-C) for only displayed items.
  • Right margin padding to balance default left margin padding.
  • Escape in empty toolbar search field shows recent searches menu.
  • Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab now move focus of toolbar search field.
  • ShowPreviewBadge defaults key to hide “Prev” badge in TaskPaper’s preview version.


  • Tag autocompletions are now case insensitive.
  • Tag autocompletions only popup when editing at end of tag.
  • Move “Saved Searches” to top of toolbar search field popup.
  • Require that both ( and ) be escaped with \ when used in tag values.
  • Apply tag and similar commands only effect displayed items, not collapsed or filtered.
  • Hidden items with no visible ancestor are no longer effected by edits, deletes or copies.
  • It’s now possible to fully select the last displayed item. Allowing you to cut/copy it and associated collapsed items.


  • Items > Format As to work when item is a project with trailing tags.
  • Document name (instead of always “Untitled”) now displays in printed header.
  • Guide lines now draw for items with hidden parents but visible ancestors.
  • Escape in toolbar search field clears text without losing focus.


Renamed “display” text style attribute (used in base.less) to “content”. If your custom theme targets the “display” attribute anywhere you should change it to target “content” for version 3.2.

Scripting API

Added API for accessing Outlines and OutlineEditors:

  • Outline.getOutlines()
  • OutlineEditor.getOutlineEditors()
  • OutlineEditor.getOutlineEditorForOutline(outline)

Added additional API for selected items:

  • selectedItems – All items intersecting the selection.
  • displayedSelectedItems – Displayed items intersecting the selection.
  • displayedAncestorSelectedItems – All displayed items or items with a displayed ancestor intersecting the selection.

Renamed private API item.bodyDisplayString to item.bodyContentString and documented it as public API.

Script debug process change

Previously you accessed TaskPaper’s internal scripting context through Window > Show Script Debugger. That menu is removed, now you should:

  1. Open Safari
  2. Open TaskPaper
  3. Ensure Safari’s “Develop” menu is showing.
  4. Choose Safari > Develop > Computer > TaskPaper > index.html

And you show see a debug window for TaskPaper’s JavaScript context. This debug window has the added benefit of now working! It should break on any debugger statements in your script.

Since 3.2 Preview (199)

  • Escape in toolbar search field clears text without losing focus.
  • Escape in empty toolbar search field shows recent searches menu.
  • Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab now move focus of toolbar search field.
  • Guide lines now draw for items with hidden parents but visible ancestors.
  • Fixed text view redraw problems. You should no longer see phantom bullets and guide lines after the last line.


Learn about preview versions.

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