Suggestion: Ctrl + Tab should switch tabs in most recent order

Currently Ctrl + Tab just cycles through tabs. It would be great if it would cycle through them in most recently used order. Most tabbed applications work this way now including browsers, so it would help with muscle memory if Bike also behaved this way.

Safari and TextEdit ^⇥ both seem to act as I would expect – cycling left to right, without any discernible impact from any MRU memory.

( Chrome too, as far as I can see )

And that seems consistent with the description here of:

Use tabs in windows on Mac – Apple Support

  • ^⇥ :: cycle right
  • ⇧^⇥ :: cycle left

But perhaps I am missing something ?


I see that there is an option to set up something like that under General Settings in macOS Firefox (125.0.3), but not as the default on a fresh install:

Is it perhaps something more frequently seen on the Windows platform ?

I think any change here is unlikely soon. Bike is just getting all of this behavior for free from the macOS frameworks. I’m not actually doing much except opting in and saying … “yes macOS, please give bike tabs”.

@complexpoint Yes, Firefox and few other browsers such as Arc have this feature either as a setting or as default behaviour.

It’s also becoming a common pattern in most tabbed applications for devs such as code editors and IDEs like VS Code and IntelliJ, Insomnia (REST client). // @jessegrosjean

I notice that Visual Studio Code provides default keybindings for both tab sequences (linear and last use).

Possibly worth making a case to Apple that they could helpfully support both as well, in their standard window tabbing ?

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I notice that Visual Studio Code provides default keybindings for both tab sequences (linear and last use).

Yes, ideally both should be supported. Linear via some key combination that uses left/right arrow keys, and recently tab switching using Ctrl-Tab (similar to Cmd+Tab for switching between applications).

Possibly worth making a case to Apple that they could helpfully support both as well, in their standard window tabbing ?

That would be best, of course. But I guess it’s much faster for app developers to customize it on their end, as several mac apps already do support this. Not sure if they rely on the default macOS framework or use something custom though.