Stylesheet: Atom One Dark

This is a revival of @pslobo’s initial post. Since I assumed continued development of it over the past 6 months with his blessing, I wanted to start a new thread so anyone who was interested wouldn’t miss out on the latest version!

  • Download & latest release notes: TaskPaper-Atom-One-Dark (GitHub)
  • Updated: 2016-09-03
  • Version support up to: 3.5 Preview (237)

Apart from my own TODO items, I also welcome any feedback or suggestions.


A dark StyleSheet/Theme for TaskPaper 3 heavily inspired by @pslobo’s excellent adaptation of Atom One Dark Syntax, which in turn I believe was influenced by the now infamous 2006 Monokai theme for Textmate by Wimer Hazenberg.


  • Fountain Blue for items tagged @next
  • Malibu for URLs and Projects (gradually faded from Project levels 1-4)
  • Soft Purple for items tagged @waiting
  • Pistachio for items tagged @today, @active or @now (this is especially useful in conjunction with this great script by @complexpoint)
  • Froly for items tagged @due
  • Sunset for items tagged @flag, @high, @hot, @priority(high) or @prio(1)
  • Whiskey for vanilla tags
  • Chalky for context tags
  • Mischka for text
  • Bright Gray for selections
  • Ebony for the background

Other Style Features

  • Done tasks are dimmed so as not to distract from what needs to be done
  • Done tasks also mutes all other colours that may have been applied from previous tags
  • Notes are dimmed, non-italiced and slightly smaller in relation to tasks.
  • Tags are always dimmed in relation to task text.
  • Saved searches are a very subdued tone so as not to distract from the main list
  • Guide lines and item handles are slim, subdued and tinted a faded Malibu blue.
  • Paragraph spacing before and after Project titles and within notes is enhanced for clean separation.

UPDATED: 2016-09-03:

  • Commented out the custom font-family by default. [I’m enamored lately with **San Francisco** for prose (current TP default) and [**Hack**](Hack | A typeface designed for source code) for code.] You can easily insert your current favourite typeface on line 2 and remove //comment.
  • reduced the multiple line height by .1 but still tighter than the default 1.3. Largely because…
  • Notes Pro: added some more professional looking paragraph and line-spacing for notes, especially if they consist of multiple paragraphs. [Thanks @mylevelbest for bringing this to my attention].
  • increased contrast of selection color back to One Dark default of 10% lighter than background. I like the mixing of text/background idea but it lends to some subtle difference between task/note selection color (especially in future theme variants!)
  • Reduced opacity of guide-lines. Because…subtle :slight_smile:
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