Shortcut to toggle between expand/collapse items

We have ⌘+0 and ⌘+9, but, i cant find a toggle one.

In my memory, this feature was present in earlier versions. Is there any way to implement this without programmer skill?

I may be wrong and/or be asking a rather stupid question … I apologize in that case.

By default the Keyboard Maestro macro here:

turns both ⌘0 and ⌘9 into toggles, but you could instead assign a 3rd key, leaving the other two unchanged.

If you want to attach the JS snippet to a key stroke using some method other than Keyboard Maestro,

( Using Scripts · TaskPaper User's Guide )

then the source code – make sure you copy all of it ( down to the line after return jxaMain(); ) – is:

(() => {
  'use strict';

  // TASKPAPER 3 CONTEXT ----------------------------------
  const tpJSContext = (editor, options) => {

    // tp3Main :: () -> Either MessageString ResultString
    const tp3Main = () => {

      const items = editor.selection.selectedItems;

      return bindLR(
        items.length > 0 ? (
        ) : Left('No item(s) selected in TaskPaper 3'),
        xs => {
          const k = editor.isCollapsed(xs[0]) ? (
          ) : 'Collapsed';
          return (
            editor['set' + k](xs),

    // GENERIC --------------------------------------------

    // Left :: a -> Either a b
    const Left = x => ({
      type: 'Either',
      Left: x

    // Right :: b -> Either a b
    const Right = x => ({
      type: 'Either',
      Right: x

    // bindLR (>>=) :: Either a -> (a -> Either b) -> Either b
    const bindLR = (m, mf) =>
      m.Right !== undefined ? (
      ) : m;

    // TP3 MAIN -------------------------------------------
    return tp3Main();

  // JXA CONTEXT-------------------------------------------

  // jxaMain :: () -> Either MessageString ResultString
  const jxaMain = () => {
      ds = Application('TaskPaper')
      lrResult = bindLR(
        ds.length > 0 ? (
        ) : Left('No TP3 documents open'),
        d => d.evaluate({
          script: tpJSContext.toString(),
          withOptions: {}
    return lrResult.Right || lrResult.Left;

  // GENERIC ----------------------------------------------

  // Left :: a -> Either a b
  const Left = x => ({
    type: 'Either',
    Left: x

  // Right :: b -> Either a b
  const Right = x => ({
    type: 'Either',
    Right: x

  // bindLR (>>=) :: Either a -> (a -> Either b) -> Either b
  const bindLR = (m, mf) =>
    m.Right !== undefined ? (
    ) : m;

  // JXA MAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------
  return jxaMain();


Perfect. Thank you very much!

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