Is there a way in TP3 to conduct a search (e.g., @wait) and have the notes for each of the tasks be displayed immediately under the tasks themselves (as they do in the unfiltered, non-searched TP interface) in the filtered list of tasks? I put important information in task notes, such as the mail:// URL to an email message I need to respond to, http:// URL to a web page I need to read, etc., and I’d like to be able to see those in my search filtered list. I’ve reviewed the syntax documentation and google-ed quite extensively, but nothing is coming up.
Thanks Jesse. This is the hint I needed to get things going. One downfall of @wait//* (at least that I experienced) was that tasks without notes did not display. I did some additional tweaking, after reading your syntax documentation, and came up with the following syntax that shows tasks with or without notes and excludes @done tasks. I threw in the union example in case it helps someone else in the future trying to do something similar.
(not @done and @wait = Andy/descendant-or-self::) union (not @done and @agenda = Andy/descendant-or-self::)
Could well be that I am mistaking the structure of your data, but I wonder whether you could use:
(@wait or @agenda)/descendant-or-self::*
((@wait or @agenda) and not @done)/descendant-or-self::*
and if the (not @done) @wait or @agenda items may have some descendants which themselves could already be @done, and which you might wish to tidy out of the filter results, perhaps:
((@wait or @agenda) and not @done)/descendant-or-self::(not @done)
or, closer to the example you have given,
(@wait=Andy or @agenda=Andy)/descendant-or-self::*
Ahh yes, that’s much more elegant. Thanks! I assume the second to last example you provide should remove any subtasks that are flagged as @done? If so, for some reason, it’s not working for me:
test ajk with notes and subtasks @agenda(Andy)
this is a note
test ajk first subtask with notes and done @done(2016-01-20) @agenda(Andy)
this is a subtask done note
test ajk subtask with notes
this is a subtask active note
When I search using:
((@wait=Andy or @agenda=Andy) and not @done)/descendant-or-self::(not @done)
the subtask “test ajk first subtask with notes and done” still shows up. Thanks again @complexpoint!
You may have to hit return again in the search field if you have updated an incumbent query
Here, with
- test ajk with notes and subtasks @agenda(Andy)
this is a note
- test ajk first subtask with notes and done @done(2016-01-20) @agenda(Andy)
this is a subtask done note
- test ajk subtask with notes
this is a subtask active note
- alpha
- beta
- two @done
notes of some kind here and there @done
- eta
- delta
and applying:
((@wait or @agenda) and not @done)/descendant-or-self::(not @done)
I am seeing:
- test ajk with notes and subtasks @agenda(Andy)
this is a note
I double checked and it’s not an incumbent query problem. if you indent the second task “test ajk first subtask with notes and done @done(2016-01-20) @agenda(Andy)” under the first task, does your results behave as you expected? In mine, that (now) indented task continues to show up in the search results even though it is flagged as @done. It could be I’m likely misunderstanding the hierarchy of the search.
Thanks for your time helping with this. I don’t use indented subtasks too much, so it’s not that big of a deal if I can’t get it to work.
I understand. I was under the (incorrect) assumption that attribute filtering only applied to projects and tasks and were ignored for notes. Thanks for clearing that up!