Search result items without project names

I would like sometimes to see search results without project names to get a more compact result. Is this possible? I saw old threads about using a script, but that may be beyond me. Thanks

That is not possible with the current engine behind TaskPaper. There was some talk about maybe the next version offering some more options of how to display the info.

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Thanks for reply

OK, i am back.

Is there any way of doing this with code or something? Or in a different program?

My goal is to print a very concise list. While the project headings are great for organizing, I don’t need them on my print out of @today items.

Any out of the box thoughts?


I got this script to work. I had seen it before but had done something wrong, but this time I sorted it.

Is it possible to show only the tasks/projects that contain a specific tag? - TaskPaper - Hog Bay Software Support

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It should also be possible, FWIW, to toggle the visibility of parent nodes on and off:

Expand disclosure triangle to view JS Source
(() => {
    "use strict";

    const toggledParents = editor => {
            parents = editor.outline.items.filter(
                x => x.hasChildren && !editor.isCollapsed(x)

        return parents.every(x => editor.isDisplayed(x)) ? (
                x => editor.forceHidden(x)
            "Parents hidden"
        ) : (
                x => editor.forceDisplayed(x, true)
            "Parents shown"

    return Application("TaskPaper").documents[0].evaluate({
        script: `${toggledParents}`
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Thanks @complexpoint, this is what I would want. To toggle on and off.

This is not working for me though. I have a complex doc, and when I hit the script the first time it does something hard to explain… it is hiding some things but not others, not related to my current search. If i run it a second time, i get to the desired results - my search results with no headings. Run it again and it is like the first run. I wish I could better explain what is happening, but it seems like the hiding works but the restoring headings maybe not?

I think you would have to give me:

  • an anonymised file in which you can reproduce the issue,
  • and a description of that issue (perhaps before and after screenshots).

The toggling above covers only rather simple cases, and it may be that toggling in the context of a bit more folding or filtering is a bit less feasible.

Thanks, I appreciate your help (and giving to the community here).

I might be able to do that this weekend.

I am using a tag called @ today. So I hit that and say I have 8 tasks and 8 headings. When I run it the first time, it seems like it makes visible ALL the other headings even if they don’t have a “today” task under them, so 100% of headings are available. Then when i run it again, 100% of headings are supressed (giving me the result I want).

You could try unindenting the tasks under their headings. You’ll lose some benefits, but you’ll gain having the tasks displayed without the headings.

Hope that helps.