Scripting & styling

will we get scripting support (like w taskpaper) and styling support (mainly to make dark theme, any tags (if supported eventually/now), and always hiding the collapse icons) etc? i prefer extreme minimalist. just give me a black screen with my text (and animation between stuff could potentially be nice). im not sold on the animated cursor (the way it always glides and u cant turn it off). i like each character causing a discrete movement, personally. but maybe itll be an acquired taste (enablement setting could be nice).

im mostly interested in bike (after a quick play) bc of the nice animations when zooming into and out of projects.

also ability to control the zoom out function (up a level, or back to where u zoomed in from) would be cool.

also, haven’t thought too hard about it, but the license model seems perfect

these seem like pretty basic requests and ones that based on your other comments they seem like you might appreciate (at least the minimalist part). curious on, if you plan to build these things, an eta (so i can start considering switching out of TP)

In Bike 2 (in progress) I expect to add TaskPaper flavor (but with more flexibility) stylesheets and also TaskPaper flavor outline filtering.

@purple, I think you already know, but for others reading… there are two types of scripting in TaskPaper: External AppleScript/Javascript and then internal JavaScript. Currently Bike supports External AppleScript/Javascript scripting, but it does not yet support the internal JavaScript scripting. Generally the internal scripting is much faster and more flexible, but doesn’t have the ability to interact with other applications…

So with that background, I don’t expect internal JavaScript scripting in Bike 2, but maybe in a Bike 2.x release.

There is a setting for this in Settings > Editor > Animation. You have option to disable all animations, or just typing animations.

I don’t expect a new setting for this, but there is already the Go > Home menu item to zoom all the way out. I haven’t assigned a keyboard shortcut to that menu item, but if you will use it a lot then you can assign a custom keyboard shortcut using macOS system settings.

Generally I think focus out navigation is best served by just repeated activation of the Focus Out shortcut. On first activation you will have moved your hands to the proper location, so repeated Focus Out / In is easy, since you finders are already in the right place.

Also if you have a specific location you want to focus to then use Go > Focus Heading.

Hope that helps. Generally goal is for Bike 2.x to support all of TaskPaper’s features, but it probably won’t in in the initial 2.0 release.

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thanks for the excellent response. what is your (guessed) eta for 2.0 and 2.1

6 months ago!

Where I’m at … data model good. Editor close to feature complete, in polishing and debugging stage. App views–find panel, text checking, etc, etc needs to be done. Much can be “copied” from Bike 1, but everythings a bit different, so it’s not a simple copy. Final 2.0 release probably 3 months at best. Another 2.0 preview release much sooner, but unlikely this week.

To far in future to know, or know what features it will include.

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awesome. excited to see where this goes

some (possible) bugs

  1. the foreground color and 2) the “typing animation” setting maybe doesnt work well, or i’m not saving the changes correctly (i had tried it before making this thread as well, but it did work when i tried it again, and now again does not with the 2.0 preview upgrade.)

no need to reply about the bugs, just helping you polish the release!

I know you said no reply needed, but just to set expectations on that 2 release… I’m not sure if any of the editor settings are connected yet :slight_smile:

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