Script :: Toggling space between document sections

A toggle script which alternates between:

  • Pruning out any blank lines in the TaskPaper document, and
  • adding blank lines to visually separate each document section.

(i.e. adding a blank line after any childless leaf which is the last in its sibling range)

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(() => {
    "use strict";

    // Toggling separating space on and off between
    // sections of a Taskpaper 3 document.

    // A toggle script which alternates between:

    // Pruning out any blank lines in the TaskPaper document.
    // Adding a separating blank line after each document section.

    // (i.e. adding a blank line after any childless leaf
    //  which is the last in its sibling range)

    // Rob Trew @2022
    // Ver 0.01

    // ---------- TASKPAPER EVALUATION CONTEXT -----------
    const tp3Context = editor => {
        const tp3Main = () => {
                outline = editor.outline,
                gaps = outline.items.filter(
                    x => 0 === x.bodyString.trim().length
                nEmpty = gaps.length;

            return 0 < nEmpty ? (
                `Closed up ${nEmpty} empty lines.`
            ) : (() => {
                    sectionEnds = lastLeaves(outline.root),
                    nParts = sectionEnds.length;

                return (
                        () => sectionEnds.forEach(
                            leaf => leaf.parent
                    `Added space after ${nParts} sections.`

        // ----------------- LAST LEAVES -----------------

        // lastLeaves :: Item -> [Item]
        const lastLeaves = item =>
            // Any leaves, descending from the given item,
            // which are the last in their sibling range.
            item.hasChildren ? (() => {
                const lastChild = item.lastChild;

                return item.children.flatMap(lastLeaves)
                    lastChild.hasChildren ? [] : lastChild
            })() : [];

        // ---
        return tp3Main();

    // ------------- JXA EVALUATION CONTEXT --------------

    // main :: IO ()
    const main = () => {
            doc = Application("TaskPaper")

        return doc.exists() ? (
            doc.evaluate({script: `${tp3Context}`})
        ) : "No document open in TaskPaper.";

    // MAIN ---
    return main();

See: Using Scripts - TaskPaper


Added to wiki

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