Script to move cursor into editor from sidebar

This Alfred workflow runs the following inside TaskPaper to show and move the cursor to an item given it’s id.

function TPContext(editor, options) {
    editor.itemPathFilter = ''
    var item = editor.outline.evaluateItemPath('@id = ' +[0]
    editor.forceDisplayed(item, true)

It seems work well, but will not move the curser from the sidebar if I’ve just selected a project or saved search with it. Hitting Tab will then move the cursor to the item which must have been selected properly behind the scenes.

So, is there a way to force the cursor from the sidebar into the editor?

If I understand you I think you want:


It’s an undocumented method right now, but I’ll make it public if it solves the problem. Let me know.

Also in your script you could make it a little simpler by using:


Instead of evaluateItemPath.

Thanks Jesse. This is exactly what I want and it works great. Thanks also for the getItemForID hint. For reference I’ve ended up with:

// Show an item in TaskPaper and clear path filter
function TPContext(editor, options) {
    var item = editor.outline.getItemForID(
    editor.itemPathFilter = ''
    editor.forceDisplayed(item, true)
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