For a long time I used the following script triggered by Quicksilver to move archived tasks to an archive file. I think it came from the Taskpaper 2 support page.
property currentFile : "Tasks.taskpaper"
property archiveFile : "Archive.taskpaper"
property archiveFilePath : "/Users/User/Documents/Dropbox/Taskpaper"
tell application "Finder"
if exists (archiveFilePath & "/" & archiveFile) as POSIX file then
tell application "TaskPaper"
open archiveFilePath & "/" & archiveFile
move entries of project named "Archive" of document named currentFile to end of entries of document named archiveFile
save document named archiveFile
close document named archiveFile
end tell
end if
end tell
I’ve searched around on the HogBay Support site and done some general web searching but cannot find a new script that will do this in Taskpaper 3. Could anyone direct me to a workable script for Taskpaper 3?
Thanks very much.