This probably does not conform to Bike’s vision, at all , but I still wanted to ask whether the introduction of types (h1, h2, p, …) might also include a “math” type at some point, where mathematical equations in e.g. LaTex syntax are rendered (akin to e.g. Roam or Dynalist)?
I adore Bike so far, but being in a math-heavy field of study, I would love to be able to use Bike for making sense of formulas, as well.
I need to do h1, h2, etc first. Then depending on difficulty I would consider it. Treating as a separate block level type as you suggest would probably make it easier.
I guess my recommendation is to wait until I start adding other types such as h1, h2, and then remind me.
Thanks for posting this workaround, sounds good! I’ve been using Marked2 for several years, but after being introduced to WYSIWYG-style editors in e.g. Obsidian, I’m spoilt, I guess. ^^’ Since I’m not writing for the sake of having a beautiful, shareable document or a set of lecture/learning notes to refer to, but just to help me think in the moment, I really rely on being able to immediately view all mathy stuff while continuing to write in the same document, seamlessly.
I think the prior discussion of h1/h2/h3 on this forum should be taken seriously… These are really incompatible with the outlining model and will generate a lot of cognitive friction if added.
Math support could be a good idea, but I am concerned that the long tail of needed features is so immense that it might be a lot more effort than is worth…
Note, this is an old thread from 22’ that just got updated. My comment above was pre headings discussion I think. At this point I expect to keep headings as they are, a single “heading” type.
My personal math needs are about …0…, but it also seems like it would be a fairly strait forward feature to add (ha ha ha)… but I think maybe it would. The idea would be you enter a formula using LaTeX in a popup window (similar to editing a link). Then the formula is rendered into an image, and displayed in outline.
I know that doesn’t make Bike a math notebook, but I think that could still be useful?
I think that this can be useful for some users, but the problem is that one hits a wall very quickly with this kind of support, and I think that most kinds of use-cases that would benefit from this level of math support are elementary enough that the math could be written in unicode, or in code blocks…
For this reason, I wonder if users would be better served by things like syntax highlighting for code, which can be done in a very satisfactory way that scales to (almost) arbitrarily complex use-cases.
I would hope if LaTeX or something along the line (e.g. KaTeX, MathJax etc.) is ever implemented, it would be inline rendering with the other texts, not as a separate image. Often, I require to write the equations or more so often some untypical characters in LaTeX like unlocked2412’s notes. They are part of the whole note, not an equation block I can put them separately. Something more like how Typora works.