Problem communicating with secure web server

Hi all!

I recently purchased a Taskpaper for my work Mac, but when I went to install the license I recieved the below error image. I would hazard a guess that this is the security settings or proxies here at MegaCorp preventing the app with communicating with any server.

I’ve gone ahead and added the app through the Firewall under System Preferences, but still recieve the error. Is there anything else I can do to solve this?


Hi I have the same problem here… Trying to re-activate a previous license. I am using TaskPaper again…

I’ve just asked (who run my licensing software) what there recommended solution is. Will answer here when I get a response.

Paddle just responded with two questions:

  • Can they reach (they’ll see a blank page, but if they get an SSL error then their connection is being tampered with)

  • Is their system date and time correct?

@commaniac @treebeard Are you still seeing this problem?

I was able to activate my license on a different wireless network when I cam home from work. Something about our corporate network must have been blocking the app.

Thanks, Jesse!