Preventing DEVONthink conversion of .bike to .html

Anyone experimenting with using Bike in conjunction with DEVONthink may find the following helpful (a terminal setting which prevents DEVONthink from changing the name and format of Bike files):

Jack Baty’s Wiki — Using .bike files as templates in DEVONthink

For context, see this thread on the DEVONthink forum:

Can I prevent DEVONthink from changing the name + format of Bike files? - DEVONthink / Feedback - DEVONtechnologies Community

and a related thread on this forum:

DEVONthink indexing and summary of Bike highlights - Bike - Hog Bay Software Support

Once DEVONthink is set to read .bike files as a special text type (without coercion to a different pattern of HTML), e.g.

defaults write com.devon-technologies.think3 AdditionalPlainTextExtensions -string .bike

Bike’s quicklook preview seems to work well within DEVONthink: