Ported HelvetiCan theme over to Taskpaper 3

I’ve been a long time user of Taskpaper and just recently upgraded to TP3 from TP2 (thanks Sierra).

I just moved over my HelvetiCan theme from TP2 to TP3 as well as polishing it up a bit. It’s clean, simple, readable/scannable, and focused on making sure I can GTD my workflow and inbound and delegated tasks weekly.

You can grab it off Github here: GitHub - wakatara/HelvetiCan-Taskpaper-theme: A clean, minimalist Taskpaper 3 theme focused on utility and GTD - updated from my Taskpaper 2 HelvetiCan theme

Feedback appreciated and, of course, if you have ideas for improvement or note anything I might have missed, please feel free to raise an Issue or ping me for a PR.
