I would like to open >2 tabs of the same file. With the current version (1.18.5 Preview (182)), i can only open 2 tabs. Opening a new tab opens a new file. Is this a bug or a feature ?
I would like to open >2 tabs of the same file. With the current version (1.18.5 Preview (182)), i can only open 2 tabs. Opening a new tab opens a new file. Is this a bug or a feature ?
This seems to be working for me:
Does that work for you? If yes, what were you trying to do instead that didn’t work?
aha, i was trying opt-cmd-N (New tab) and the + sign. But i see that these are for new files, not new tabs within an open file. I have to say that to me, new tabs imply same file, and Window>Duplicate Tab isn’t terribly discoverable. but now that we have this support forum topic, maybe it doesn’t need changing.
thank you!
Is there a shorcut to navigate through tbs?
Yes, they are shown in Windows menu:
These are standard shortcuts for navigating tabs for many macOS apps