If I Move Line an item below a Folded Item, the Folded Item expands. I understand why you do this, because maybe i want to insert the Moved line into the Folded Item. However, if the folded Item contains many lines, then expansion causes me to to lose my place, and i have lost outline integrity this way.
I suggest that the Folded Item not expand.
-Item1 (folded)
Preferred Behaviour: Move Line SubItem1 below Item1, and nothing unfolds. But if i unfold Item1, SubItem1 joins Item1
-Item1 (folded)
Current behaviour: Move Line SubItem1 below Item1, and Item 1 unfolds
I’m not sure… I can see how this would be useful in some cases, but it also creates a weird state in the UI. You’ll have a collapsed item, with some of it’s children still visible. I would rather keep the current behavior I think.
Note that if you “Move by Branch” it will avoid the problem I think.
Move Branch does preserve folding, but now you have different behaviours of the non-selected text. This is very confusing, and it risks people losing the organisation of their outline (as happened to me, until i figured out what was happening).
basically, unfolding can cause the outline to lose its organisation. Folding is great! why break the work we put into folding and unfolding sections of our outline simply because of a Move Line? What if I want to Move the Line to another branch below?
It’s actually easy to understand visually when you have a collapsed item with some children folded, because of your highlighted blue dot. Choosing to click on that dot allows the items to expand, and everything is then combined.
I’ll just repeat that i would really like Move Line below a Folded item not to expand the Folded item. I’ve broken my outline folding more than a few times now, and i think i’m going to have to just stop using Move Line altogether, which is a shame, since it preserves the heading level of the moved item.