More3.1 Outliner

Hi I was wondering if you were familiar with this software from Symantec from years back. I have a lot of old files and have to use a really old mac to make it work but it was an awesome program. There was also another called InControl that allowed outlines and columns which was an awesome style sheet. It reminds me of Treesheets

I’m familiar with More, though was never a user. If you have old More files I think you can import them into a modern outliner… maybe it was OmniOutliner? I think I remember reading about it a few years back anyway.

Yes, OmniOutliner 5.10, released earlier this year, added “support for importing documents written by Symantec MORE”. I was “flabbergasted” to see this added so many years later. I was a heavy MORE user–but my outlines from those days have made their way through several different outliners in the decades since it became part of history.

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Years, months? :slight_smile: Thanks for the link!

Same here I bypassed, every version of word, etc etc it was just that powerful a tool and it could link a box on page 6 or multiple boxes on the page and edit one and alll were editing !
It wasn’t Powerpoint but that is not what I used it for.