Keyboard shortcuts for row types

Will we get these do you think ?

Have you tried using cmd+E and down arrow?

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At the moment I don’t think I want to add these. Long term I reserver right to change my mind :slight_smile:

Reasons that I don’t want to add them now are:

You can assign your own keyboard shortcuts to the menu items if you want.

It’s a lot of shortcuts to come up with, 8 now, and it’s likely that I’ll add more row types in the future. If I start assigning keyboard shortcuts for them all the shortcuts are likely to be long and difficult to use, plus I’ll likely use up a few good shortcuts that could be more useful for other features down the road.

There are a few pretty good alternates to shortcuts now. You can do Command-E followed by down arrow to change type from keyboard. You can also use the “smart row types” feature to type text and get a type… for example type # at start of a line for a heading.

Let me know if the above still doesn’t work well for you, I’m not opposed to refining things, I just don’t think adding a shortcut for each row type will help that much.

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Keyboard shortcuts for row types

I’m personally using these Body type ⇄ Specialised type toggles from Keyboard Maestro.

The particular keystrokes probably won’t work for you, but you can easily change them in KM.

Bike Type Toggle (15.7 KB)

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command E is nice and I noticed the hash thing by mistake the other day when I started to use Bike for some of my other markdown files

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Would it be possible to include shortcuts inside the context menu after pressing cmd-E + Down arrow? Numbers from 1-8 for example?

Yeah, I think that would make sense. The only issue is that the numbers might change over time if I decide to add new types, and I don’t think I would want to do anything (like add config) to avoid that. Make sense?

Sure, config would be overkill.
Also, I’m curious if there’s a reason why the contex window doesn’t go away after selecting row type and needs a separate escape? I guess it helps if you want to both add formatting and change row type, but I can’t think of many use cases :sweat_smile:

I’ve added number keys for selecting row type in the formatting palette:


Thanks! I’m getting a possible bug with this.
If I cmd+E, then press down arrow, every number I press afterward will be registered as 3 (blockquote).
Works normally if I don’t press down arrow.

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I have encountered the same issue as well.

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Hum… I hadn’t thought about that part, and I don’t see any good workaround. Once the menu is showing I don’t have access to key events as far as I can tell.

The suggestion that I see online is to add a global event monitor (which I don’t want to do, requires permission and is generally not something apps should do without really good reason) or rebuild menu UI myself, which is lots of work.

I’m starting to think it might be best just to take this feature out. It was easy enough to add the way that I’ve currently implemented, but it feels buggy since it doesn’t work when menu is showing, and it would be a lot of work to make that case work.

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Yes, agree. I guess a future implementation could be to introduce row type icons the same way you’re showing formatting icons now after cmd+E, skipping the down arrow part, but I suppose this is a pedantic thing.