Hello all,
I love that I can drag a file from the Finder into TaskPaper and have a clickable link to that file in my task list.
That said, I have to position windows for the dragging and type a file name and then put in a dash or arrow, and…
Well, you guessed it, Keyboard Maestro to the rescue! I have made a Keyboard Maestro macro to do the above much more efficiently!
Here is how it works:
- Select any file or folder in the Finder
- Invoke my Keyboard Maestro macro
- My macro gets the file name and POSIX path from the Finder
- The spaces in the POSIX path are escaped (which is necessary to make the link work)
- Formats the name and path into a task
- Creates an Inbox in TaskPaper if there isn’t one.
- Places the task into the top of the Inbox
For example, if I select Keyboard Maestro in my Applications folder, and I invoke my macro, the following appears in my TaskPaper Inbox:
- Keyboard Maestro.app → /Applications/Keyboard\ Maestro.app/
From there, I can move this file “task” into the proper project easily.
It took me a long time to create, but let me tell you: every time I run it, I am oh so happy!
Here is the macro in case any of you are interested:
TP3 Inbox ← File Name Path.kmmacros.zip (2.2 KB)
A short video showing the macro in action: