Keybind that will go to the next item (on same level)

I need keybind that from here:

on keypress, would go here:

cause its next one on same level

Pretty sure there anything built in, but I’m working on an extensible keybindings system at this very moment for Bike 2. I think it will work great for this scenario, but will be Bike 2 only. Expect to release a new preview that includes this functionality by end of the week.

I think for Bike 1 your best bet is to write an AppleScript or Shortcut Action, and then associate with a keyboard shortcut.

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excited for bike 2, last time i tried a built it hogged cpu to 99% tho

curious if next build is better

bike 2 should be as fast and cpu efficient as bike 1 right?

Generally yes. Lots of the internals are different, so likely some variation, but 99% CPU not expected. Something must have been off.

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Let me know when there is a bike build with such extensible system, would love to play around with it.

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Fingers crossed for Friday. Extension system should be ready to play with… app overall will still have many missing parts.

I thought I was doing something wrong, had to create a new item, drag it to the bottom of the sub-list, then outdent. :grimacing:

I don’t quite follow. I think the original question is just above changing caret selection… while you are mentioning moving items and indenting. Can you explain what you are trying to do a bit more?

Sure. Maybe I am misunderstanding how to create a new list item that isn’t a sub-item.

In outliners like OmniOutliner if you have an item with sub-items, if you press Return you get a new sister-level entry that is not placed as a sub-item of the place you hit Return.

But in Bike I created an outline item in which one node has several sub items (let’s say it’s Cat Names) but when I hit Return (or even Command-Return) at Cat Names in order to create a new item at the same level as Cat Names (which shows a downward-facing arrow) I instead end up creating a new sub-item alongside list items like Felix and Ginger.

So, I press Return, then drag that newly created sub-item out of the list of cat names. (I originally thought the app wouldn’t let me move it to a main level, but I see now I wasn’t dragging enough to the left, which is why I had to outdent.)

So outdenting turns out not to be an issue, but I still don’t see how to create a sister-node item to an outline node that has sub-items in it (because it creates the new item as an item inside it).

OO seems to have a global setting to create rows always at the same level. I don’t see the same option in Bike.

You can indent/outdent and manipulate the outline using various in-built keyboard shortcuts, it makes life much easier. Text Editing | Bike

Interesting and surprising to me. That feels like confusing default behavior, especially if the original item has many expanded children, making the insert position offscreen.

I don’t think this behavior will change in Bike 1.

But in Bike 1 you can achieve it (not sure about binding to Return key, but maybe with Keyboard Maestro?) by creating an AppleScript or Shortcuts Action and associating it with a keyboard shortcut.

In Bike 2 it should be even easier to add with a custom keybinding and that would easily bind to Return key.

Pressing Enter to create a new sister-level topic has been default behavior for OmniOutliner, it’s how Cloud Outliner performs, and it’s even how Acta from the late 1980s (still available as a free/abandonware app from the dev, called Opal) works. So that’s why Bike’s operations confuse me.

Let’s say I created a Bike outline with a main outline topic-header Names. In it I created a subtopic called Cat Names with a dozen subtopic names in a list. Now, if I reopen this outline how do I create a new topic Dog Names at the same level as Cat Names? In something like OmniOutliner I can put my cursor in Cat Names and press Enter, or from within the list of cat names I can create an outdented new item (In OO it’s called Add Outside). But how do I do that in Bike? I can’t figure out how without creating a new subtopic then manually dragging it down and out with my mouse. Because if I press Return and create a subtopic item then try to Outdent it, it suddenly makes all the cat names subtopics in the newly created/outdented item! Is there any way besides created an indented topic then manually dragging it to create that sister-topic?

To me the confusing behavior is that I can press Return and Bike provides a sister-level topic only if the original topic doesn’t have subtopics, but that once an item has subtopics there’s no easy way to make a sister-level topic for it without creating a new unneded subtopic then dragging it out/up a level.

Please let me know if I’m missing something obvious here.

When working on a huge outline, I can see how this can be beneficial if you can’t see the sister parent-topics on-screen. You roll back to the first parent topic and move from there.

As Jesse mentioned, not natively in Bike, but you don’t need the mouse for an operation like this. See example below.
CleanShot 2025-03-21 at 15.47.28

If your text caret is in Cat Names row one way would be to collapse that row (Command-9) and then Return.

If caret is at end of the cat names lists then create a new row and outdent.

Just to clarify … doesn’t have visible subtopics I think. If it’s collapsed then it should work as you want I think.

I hope that helps, again you’ll have more options to customize behavior in Bike 2.