Install Theme in Taskpaper 3

Sorry for the noobery! I saw a thread on how to install a theme in TP2, but am having trouble installing one in TP3.

Also is there a repertoire somewhere that I could pull from for the specifics to making my own theme.

Many thanks!

Someone should put one together. If you are willing, just search theme or less and you will find all of them; then post something with the links to the page. There are several examples out there.

Now, remember that this is TP3, and the installation of the themes is completely different.

The user guide does have a section on themes that I think will answer a lot of your questions:

Thanks all!

As a bonus here is a theme I modified from another user:

// Base text
@font-family: Verdana;
@font-size: $USER_FONT_SIZE;
@text-color: #abb2c0;
@background-color: #282c34;
@project-color: #d29b62;
@done-color: #4b5264;
@link-color: #90c476;
@next-color: rgb(115, 138, 5);
@waiting-color: rgb(89, 90, 183);
@line-height-multiple: 1.3;
@flag-color: #e26b73;
@highlight-color: #5daef2;
// UI
@tint-color: rgb(33, 118, 199);
@interface-color: @tint-color;
@selection-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 30%); // rgb(148, 192, 255);
@invisibles-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 70%); // rgb(67, 119, 211);

editor {
color: @text-color;
font-size: @font-size;
font-family: @font-family;
background-color: @background-color;
line-height-multiple: @line-height-multiple;

item-indent: 20px;
caret-width: 2px;
caret-color: @highlight-color;
handle-color: @highlight-color;
drop-indicator-color: @tint-color;
invisibles-color: @invisibles-color;
selection-background-color: @selection-color;
guide-line-color: mix(@tint-color, @background-color, 15%);
message-color: mix(@text-color, @background-color, 50%);

item[data-type="note"] {
font-style: italic;
font-size: @font-size*0.9;
font-weight: lighter;

item[data-type="task"] {
font-style: normal;

item[data-type="project"] {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: @font-size;
color: @project-color;

item[depth="1"].item[data-type="project"] {
font-size: @font-size*1.4;

item[depth="2"].item[data-type="project"] {
font-size: @font-size*1.2;

item[data-done] {
> run[display] {
text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleSingle;
text-strikethrough-color: @done-color;
color: @done-color;

run[link] {
cursor: pointer;
color: @link-color;

run[link^="button"] {
color: @text-color;
text-expansion: 1;

run[link^="filter"] {
color: @text-color;

run[tag] {
font-size: @font-size;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
color: mix(@text-color, @background-color, 50%);

item[data-flag] {
color: @flag-color;

run[tag=data-flag] {
color: darken(@flag-color, 10%);

item[data-next] {
color: @next-color;

run[tag=data-next] {
color: darken(@next-color, 10%);

item[data-waiting] {
color: @waiting-color;

run[tag=data-waiting] {
color: darken(@waiting-color, 10%);

item[data-hold] {
color: @waiting-color;

run[tag=data-hold] {
color: darken(@waiting-color, 10%);

It appears that this URL is broke…

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I got very confused about installing themes, because there was still a “Themes” folder in my Library/Application Support/TaskPaper full of .taskpapertheme files!

Took me a while to work out they’re all useless in TP3 :slight_smile: