Insert emoji with a custom theme?

I poked around the support site, the Stylesheet reference, and a few of the custom themes people have shared, but I didn’t see an answer to my question, which is, is it possible to insert emoji with a custom theme?

Something like a :ballot_box_with_check: appears at the beginning of each Task line and a :white_check_mark: appears at the beginning of lines tagged with @done is what I’d like to be able to do

Not really. You can style existing text attributes, but you can’t replace the actual text. If you wanted to get really fancy/hacky you could (I guess, though not sure I would recommend:

  1. Create a custom icon font for the character that you want to replace. So for example if you wanted to replace “-” with “some weird character” you would created a custom font where the glyph for “-” looked like something else.

  2. Once you have that font then set it on the range of characters that you want to replace.

I think that would work.

No worries, totally a nice to have.

If I wanted to I could probably make a script to do some search and replace, but I doubt I will any time soon :smile:

Thanks for the quick reply.