Import folder of markdown files as an outline

I exported the contents of an Apple Notes folder (Using ‘Exporter’) to a folder of markdown files. Now I’d like to import them into a Bike outline. So I’d ideally like Bike to be able open a folder of md files or I suppose I need a script that will do this.

Is this a worthwhile feature?


I think definitely yes, but also not something that I’ll be able to implement in the near term. At some point I will focus in on how I think Bike should coexist with Markdown, but for now I have other Bike work that is taking priority.

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Thanks, Jesse.

As an avid Obsidian user, I came to Bike looking for a way to better combine outlining with my collection of inter-related markdown files in my obsidian vaults. I’m happy to hear that good coexistence of Bike with markdown is on the to do list for Jesse!