How to use "Browse all versions"?

Hello. I started using Version 3.6 (285) of TaskPaper.
MacOS is Seerra 10.12.1.

I have something I do not understand the basic operation.

How to use “File - Revert to - Browse all versions”?
When I use this command, I get only the screen “Unable to open version" that is all nothing.

Please tell me how to use “Browse all versions" basically.

Thank you very much.

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Odd, I’m seeing the same thing. It should be (and I thought it was working on past) that in each “Unable to open version" window you would instead see a previous version of your file. I’m not sure what’s the problem with it right now … I didn’t see any obvious problem when I ran app in debugger, so will need to dig deeper.

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I’m having the same problem (versioning not working).
Did you figure this out?

Sorry not yet. Holidays and work on library view have side tracked me. But still near top of my TaskPaper list.

@DragonRoad @Jack_Wilson This problem should be fixed in this preview release:

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Versions working fine now. Thanks.