Hi! I had the unpleasant surprise today of learning I could no longer format text in Bike.
Apparently, this is because it’s over a year since I purchased Bike, which means I am no longer entitled to new updates. I understand this (and understood it at the time I purchased it), but what I do not understand is why functionality I already paid for has now ceased to work. Not the best experience, to say the least. Why not just…not release new software updates to those who haven’t renewed the license?
I may purchase a new license in the future, but, frankly, I need to recover from the frustration of this experience. We’ll see!
Anyway! For now, it seems I must revert Bike to an earlier version in order for the program to work again? Can someone walk me through this so I don’t lose any work?
This has been a problem for a while, I just haven’t made time to fix (until very recently) … but I very much agree, not an ideal experience.
The good news is that I did very recently fix this in the latest release Bike 1.21 (188), but it won’t be until I make a new release (after that one) that you will see a warning dialogue telling you that the next update requires a renew.
blerg … annual upgrade fees. I see some posts about additional features, but is there somewhere to find a roadmap for this year? It’s nice, at least, that the option exist to revert.
I don’t have a roadmap with any kind of schedule, but my focus now is Bike 2. It’s a many changes, but from user perspective the biggest two changes will be stylesheets, outline filtering, and eventually tags enabled by combining those features.
If you had release 1.21 (188) then you should have been notified (as part of update process) if this most recent 1.21 (189) would require that you renew your license. Anybody see or not see a message? Again, should only affect you if you already had 1.21 (188) installed.