How to hide `Home` from `cmd+p` search

I don’t want this Home to be there.

tried this //@type = "heading" or (@level <= 1/ancestor-or-self::* and not(name = 'Home')) but that failed

Home is a special case that I always add. Generally Command-P is intended as a navigation command and I always want there to be a way to go home from it.

It’s just I have keybind for going home instantly:

So I don’t need it there, it just wastes precious space.

Please consider ignoring it from list as an option.

Hum… maybe I can add. I was originally thinking I would need to add to app settings but I guess this would fit in well into the popup settings that are specific to the Command-P palette.

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also please consider adding this search (that does not a global search but a search within focused todo)

I need a way to search through bullet points to jump to (inside a focused in bullet point), very very useful for me