How do i change the task handle font?

I would like to have an alternative character than “-” for my task handle, but I am having trouble finding a way to change it.

How do I go about changing the font for the task handle, without changing the font for the entire ‘item’ line?

The default style for that dash is provided by this rule:

run[link^="button"] {
  color: @text-color;
  text-expansion: 0.8;

Here’s an override rule that you can put in your own stylesheet to set a custom font:

run[link^="button"] {
  font-family: Courier;
  text-expansion: 0; // reset value from default stylesheet

If you want to use an alternative character you’ll need to create an “icon font” that uses a different graphic for the - character… and use that font above instead of Courier.

This is what i was looking for, thanks.

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I whipped up a regular and bold version of a new font and imported the icon from another (free) font.



 run[link^="button"] {
  font-family: TaskPaper;
  font-weight: regular;
  font-size: 16;
  text-expansion: 0.0; // reset value from default stylesheet

 item[data-done] {
     > run[content] {
         text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleSingle;
         text-strikethrough-color: fade(@text-color, 35%);
         color: fade(@text-color, 35%);
     > run[link^="button"] {
        font-family: TaskPaper;
        font-weight: bold;
        font-size: 16;
        text-expansion: 0.0; // reset value from default stylesheet
        // text-strikethrough: NSUnderlinePatternDash;
        // text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleDouble;
        // text-strikethrough-color: red;
     > run[tag] {
         text-strikethrough: NSUnderlineStyleSingle;
         text-strikethrough-color: fade(@text-color, 35%);
         color: fade(@text-color, 35%);
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