Has good idea to hidden not @start task?

for example, I have one task:

  • pay rent monthly @start(2021-11-01) @due(2021-11-05) @repeat(+1 month)

I want hidden this task, only show on current_date() > @start

now I can use saved search to do this, but when I use tag and projects, this task will show, is any good method that can hide the not-start-task at any place?

I have some ideas:

  • global search?
  • use script move theme to another document
  • maybe TaskPaper 4 ? :rofl:

Try this search:

//not @start >[d] today

Does TP support recurring tasks? I didn’t know that :thinking:

thank you very much, I try to use search, but it is not convenient, when I click tag it will hide, even I enable maintain search option, this option will bring other not convenient behavior, I am not sure maybe has other solution, but still thank you!!

I use repeat script to do this

ah right - tx! Don’t know why I didn’t consider that there would be a script for that.