I discovered Bike, tried it, and loved it! It’s beautifully designed, just like Bear and Things 3. I’ll definitely buy the Pro version. I only wish Jesse would let us know if there’s an iOS version planned or how to edit .bike or .opml files from an iPhone.
One last question: I save a lot of important data—should I use .bike or .opml for long-term storage? I’m just worried about losing data if the app is ever discontinued. Thanks for the great work
The plan is Bike 2 and then iOS. But when Bike 2 will get finished I’m not sure. So I’ve got a general plan, but no timeline.
I think .bike files are good for long term cross platform storage. OPML files are good too, but Bike can’t save inline formatting (bold, italic, etc) when using them, so I recommend using .bike files.
The nice thing about .bike files is they are just a subset of .html files. So even if Bike did go away (hope not!) you can view the contents of a Bike file pretty well by viewing it with a web browser.
BTW, do you have any recommendations for viewing .bike files on iOS?
I’d love an app just to view them – but preferably with some way to put in some css or something, as the layout is pretty bad on the HTML viewers I’ve found. =/