Formatting TaskPaper Examples in Blog Posts

What are some of you using to format TaskPaper examples when publishing them in blog posts?

Which among you are exporting…

  1. TaskPaper into HTML from a tool like @mattgemmell’s TaskPaperRuby ?
  2. Just pasting raw text in a pre tag or something?
  3. Using screenshots or animated gifs?

I’ve done 2 and 3.

I have to mention that I mostly use TaskPaper’s notes and header lines, a rarely use the dashed, todo line. In my blog posts, I show examples of how I use TaskPaper for rewriting my thoughts (rewriting my mental models , and something I call have-done lists ).

For option 3 (screenshots and animated gifs), it was the simplest approach for Medium articles (like this one ) or when including examples in an email for a course.

For option 2 (a TaskPaper example pasted inside a pre tag), it allowed me to use the <mark> tag to highlight changes to my list without having to use animated gifs. Here’s an article using option 2.

This second option has some benefits:

  • Like I said, I can decorate parts of my list (using <mark> ) to bring one specific part of my list to the attention of the reader
  • It’s readable in an RSS reader, since it’s just a pre tag
  • People can copy-paste my examples back into TaskPaper

But it has some disadvantages:

  • I have to convert tabs to 2 spaces, to make sure that it formats nicely. That’s not so huge, because if I copy/paste this space-formatted list in TaskPaper, it’ll interpret it correctly back into tabs (thanks Jesse!)
  • I have to use a horizontal scroll so that the reader can read longer lines that I don’t want to wrap to new lines (unindented)

I thought of a fourth option:

  1. a pre tag by default, but a JavaScript parser which converts the pre tag in a bunch of nested ul 's, to make sure I don’t rely on horizontal scrolling, and having stuff indent even when wrapping lines. RSS readers will default to the pre , visitors to my site will get the nicely styled, indented, no-horizontal-scrolling TaskPaper examples.

But then readers would lose the ability to copy-paste the example back into TaskPaper (unless I add a Copy button in the top-right of each JavaScript-augmented example, yuck).

Anybody else blogging TaskPaper examples?

If you go for HTML you might want to check out:

It takes advantage of TaskPaper’s built in HTML export scripting API.