Not sure if this is by design, or peculiar to my (laptop) hardware, or to macOS, but
Full Screen Mode (^⌘F) is zooming into a larger font size, or at least a larger display.
Can I switch that off ? (I may well have missed a setting, or some earlier discussion)
(For a while I ended up reducing the font size after I entered Full Screen, and then having to enlarge it again after toggling back with Exit Full Screen, but the sudden font size changes do feel a bit uncomfortable to the eyes, and in order to keep the font size stable, I seem to be reverting now to an older macro, which combines HazeOver with a window resize)
I can preserve the font size under Full Screen toggling by choosing View > Text Wrap > Wrap To Window
but only at the cost of losing that (c. 25% of screen with) left margin.
No problem – for the moment I’ll use a centred 50% width window with HazeOver.
(and with toggled visibility of the title bar)
(() => {
"use strict";
const doc = Application("Bike");
return doc.exists() ? (
(doc.showTitleBar = !doc.showTitleBar()) ? (
"Title bar of front document showing."
) : `Title bar of '${}' hidden.`
) : "No documents open in Bike.";