Folding links in TaskPaper?


Is there a way to implement FoldingText-style folding of markdown links in TaskPaper?

I like very too much to organize things with links using emoji, but seeing the link destinations is distracting:


In FoldingText, it looks way better:


Sorry it’s not possible.

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Maybe there’s a way to modify the style to render them in a less conspicuous color

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This would make links almost invisible:

run[link] {
  cursor: pointer;
  color: mix(@text-color, @background-color, 5%);
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@jessegrosjean @Riccardo @Jim thank you for your help and suggestions!

I’ve found a good solution by putting those links in a note element, which I can hide, and tweaking the stylesheet to make it unobtrusive when visible (with font-size: lighter):

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It occurred to me that if you keep your links on their own outline level, you can use TaskPaper’s powerful outlining commands to quickly hide and show links whenever your heart desires.

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