Feature Request: Level based coloring

First of all, fantastic work with Bike. I had tried both Zavala and Bike and instantly liked Bike more. Now that I see you are working on Bike 2 and supporting themes with style sheets (and I saw one of the videos), amazing work!

So, this question is for something I’ve been considering that would help me a lot. I love the focusing, but what I thought would be even better is level based color coding. And that once you are at the deepest level you’ve defined, then it just stays that color if you go any deeper.

So people could create say full white for level 0, then a light grey for level 1, grey for level 2, etc. or, use any kind of colors.

For me, this makes ALL the level 0 pop. This specifically is when I am working on book outlines and level 0 is major plot movements whereas everything below is finer detail, but the intensity helps me pre filter.

Wasn’t sure if the style sheets can handle the concept of depth and coloring like that.

Yes, this is possible in my current style implementation, and I expect will be possible in final release implementation too.

That is excellent!!! Thank you!