?False advertising

I owned WriteRoom many years ago, moved to Windows, and am back to Mac High Sierra. I saw a video extolling WriteRoom the other day. It had a black background, and a large bottom window with a gray background that showed current typing in large letters. So I bought WriteRoom again yesterday in the Mac App Store. When I read the User Guide, it said WR had been updated to Lion OS!! The window is white, and for the life of me, I can’t get the window I want: The one I saw in the video. Something seems wrong in Denmark.
Can someone help me?

See the menu: Window > Themes > Terminal

So, where is the large typing at the bottom?

You can change size with menu:

View > Scale

If you choose the menu:

View > Typewriterscrolling

Then when you type WriteRoom will make sure that the line you are editing is scrolled to the center of the screen. (For this to work you need to be typing in a document location that has space to scroll… so won’t do anything if you are typing at start of document, or at end of short document).