External Editor Breaks TP3 stuctures

When I edit taskpaper file in Eternal Editor like nvALT or Editorial for ios,

‘tabs’ change ‘spaces’. and Mess up!!


and After edited in Editorial for iOS.

Do I miss something?

TaskPaper 3 relies on tabs for indentation, so when using an external editor, make sure you stick with tabs when indenting tasks, notes or projects otherwise that will happen.

The fix is easy enough: In TP3, simply un-indent and re-indent where needed. If you’re on iOS, then this quick and dirty workflow should sort that out for you too.

In future, when using Editorial, be sure to use the tab in the extended keyboard rather than manually adding spaces.


Wow, Thanks.

That :writing_hand:workflow is Great!!!.

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Happy to help :wink:

Do note however that the workflow will replace 2-4 spaces with a tab, so there are a few caveats. If you indent with 1 space, it’ll keep that one space, if you indent 5, 9, 13, etc. it’ll indent that number of tabs + 1 space, so:

5 spaces => 1 tab 1 space
9 spaces => 2 tabs 1 space… you get the drift.


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